Employee Engagement: The Secrets of How to Achieve It

Why Your Business Depends on It and How to Create a Successful Internal Communication Strategy that Engages Your Employees on All Levels

Sigrid van de Scheur

Country Manager, Spain

After 6 years of working with the implementation of new systems in the service sector, I have been on the inside of hundreds of companies and seen just how differently they operate from a People and Business perspective. As I get to know different clients, there are often certain indicators in their communication that lead me to understand the level of trust between players in the organization and the real company culture "behind the curtains." It's easy to draw the line between what I perceive within a given timeframe of working with the company, and what their employees perceive, coming to work every day.

An experienced executive from the restaurant sector recently told me: "It's not about the strength of your business strategy; it's about your ability to communicate it." This is a concept that is often blind to many companies, and we have all seen the following scenario play out: The business idea is brilliant, the market is screaming for their product or solution, but after the first year or two, the company starts failing. Sales are dropping, employee turnover is high, and the directors find themselves constantly putting out fires instead of focusing on new initiatives. What is lost on these companies is the importance of a solid internal communication strategy.

Mid-level managers are often considered the glue that holds an organization together. They can make or break a communication strategy, and however strong and brilliant the idea is, without the correct internal champions, it will never be carried out as intended. That's why it's paramount to consider the different hierarchies and levels in your organization when setting an internal communication strategy. How can companies make sure that their message is perceived as intended, and how can they create engagement on all levels? By focusing on not only making mid-level management champions of your message, but also acting as role models on how to conduct transversal communication, you are laying the foundation for a solid work community.

The Real Business is Your People, Not Your Product

Sales depend on your ability to get customers excited about your product or service, and this is completely dependent on the people in your organization. The thing is, regular employees are often afraid to speak up and contribute, especially if they're not provided with the right channels to do so. If they are bombarded with unidirectional communication that is only focused on giving operational directions, they quickly lose interest in sharing their point of view and don’t engage. Feeling seen and feeling connected are important drivers for engagement. That's why this should be the end goal for your strategy.

How to Achieve Employee Engagement

  • Create channels for transversal communication and make sure it’s easy for employees to use.
  • Focus on more than just operational tasks; work should also be about having fun, finding inspiration, celebrating wins, challenging the status quo, and improving wellness and mental health.
  • Encourage employees to interact by occasionally asking, “What do you think?” and “How does everyone feel about this?”
  • Ensure managers have what they need to communicate efficiently with their teams.
  • Provide clear, comprehensive employee handbooks with FAQs.
  • Offer basic communication training for managers: How can they inspire through their communication? How can they celebrate wins with their team?
  • Find creative ways to say thank you and create space for coworker recognition. Rewards could include anything from an extra day off to a team lunch or involvement in special projects.
  • Adapt your tools: If your workforce is deskless, think mobile-first.
  • Keep it simple. If your solution requires hours of training or if sending messages takes more than a split second, it's already too complicated.

Get in touch with the team at Monotree if you want to create a solid internal communication strategy and enhance employee engagement and overall employee satisfaction in your company. We are happy to help you.

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